Movie Title: 100 Years of Ulysses

Country of Origin: Ireland

Synopsis of movie: 100 years ago, on February 2nd 1922, Ulysses was first published in a small bookshop in Paris. The book would have a profound impact on the literature and culture of the century to follow. No 20th century novel has rivalled Ulysses in its reach. Though Ulysses was banned initially in America and Britain, Joyce’s epic soon came to be celebrated as a masterpiece of modernism and a revolution in literary expression. It has inspired creators as diverse as Eileen Grey, Sergei Eisenstein, Man Ray and Bob Dylan. But in Ireland, Joyce was accused of treachery, for having gone to war with the Irish Catholic Church and repudiating his own people. He was also accused of ignoring his nation’s long struggle for independence from Britain which culminated in 1922 – only weeks before Ulysses was published – with the foundation of the Irish Free State. Produced to mark the 100th anniversary of the book’s publication, “100 Years of Ulysses”, a one hour documentary devised by historian, Frank Callanan and directed by Ruán Magan, sets out to unlock one of most impregnatable and explosive books of modern times.

Director: Ruán Magan

Producer: Frank Callanan/Ruán Magan

Cast: Ann Skelly, Eimear McBride, Paul Muldoon, John McCourt, Natasa Paulberg and Margaret O’ Callaghan

Language: English

Duration of movie: 109 minutes

Genre: Documentary

Production Year: 2022

Awards: N/A

Classification: PG13



Date Day Time Venue
22 Oct Sun 4.00PM Mid Valley

Terms & Conditions for Free Ticket Package Deal

1) Free ticket with RM4 mineral water purchase; on first-come-first-served basis and while tickets last.

2) Tickets can be obtained via GSC e-payment at, GSC Mobile App or GSC participating outlets.